I was looking for an app not so much for workout ideas, but to help track strength gains as well as remember exactly what exercises Im doing.
Ive only been using the app for a month and a half, and so far its been great compared to other apps Ive tried. I like the ability to create my own workouts and save them to access quickly on the future. The app also has a very extensive list of exercises and workout machines listed in their database so youre likely able to create workouts with the exact machines youre using. I also really enjoy the interface as the font is big, the buttons are well placed, and it automatically progresses as you document reps/sets and after you complete a workout, you just click the check mark and it automatically moves you to the next exercise in your workout. The calendar function also lets you quickly reference back to past workouts and the app also has suggested workouts you can use to target specific body parts if you dont want to create your own. Great app for what Im using it for!
Rwinstonjr about Fitlist Workout Log & Planner